What is a Multigenerational Australian Labradoodle (MALD) ?

The Australian Labradoodle breed dates back to the 1980’s and was initiated with the intent to create a breed that had the temperament of a service dog and was allergy and asthma friendly. During the 1990’s breeders in Australia began breeding Labradoodles to a number of other dog breeds in an effort to produce litters with consistent conformation, coat type, and temperament. Currently the Australian Labradoodle is considered to be a cross between the Poodle, Cocker Spaniel and Labrador Retriever, while the Labradoodle is a cross between the Labrador Retriever and Poodle. This distinction of the breeds and the ALAA’s commitment to the breeds’ health was formally recognized with the creation of the separate breed code Australian Labradoodle by the OFA (the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals).

Genetics & Generations

  • • Product of a Standard Poodle and a Labrador Retriever

    • 50% Labrador Retriever and 50% Standard Poodle

  • • Product of a F1 Labradoodle and a Standard Poodle

    • 25% Labrador Retriever and 75% Standard Poodle

  • • Product of two Multigenerational Australian Labradoodles

    • The Australian Labradoodle carries the DNA of the Labrador, Poodle, and Cocker Spaniel (American or English)

    • True hybrid: yielding ideal temperament, coat, and conformation

    • Hypoallergenic and non shedding

Coat Types & Colors

  • Labradoodle variations are distinguished by their genetic comprise and therefore assorted traits, such as their temperament, coat type and physical conformation. Various breeds and Labrador Retriever to include the Irish Water Spaniel, Curly Coat Retreiver, and American or English Cocker Spaniel. These breeds have been carefully selected and limitedly infused into Australian Multigenerational Labradoodle bloodline originated in Australia in the breeding programs of Tegan Park and Rutland Manor.

    There is incredible diversity in coat possibilities from chalk-white to indulgent cream, gold, apricot, beautiful reds, chocolate, cafe`, striking black and everything in between. It is important to note that slight variations in color will occur and a pup may not retain his original puppy color. At times, a puppy’s coat will lighten with age but, may to everyone’s surprise even darken. Unfortunately, there isn’t an exact science as to what exact color your puppy will eventually become. Coat color will range in shade and intensity. Coat types can be categorized into three key types: wool, fleece and hair.

  • This is the coat that most people associate with a Labradoodle. The feel should be silky and soft. It can range from being almost straight, (straight/open fleece) or with just a few waves in it (wavy fleece). Regardless of the wave or curl this coat must be groomed in order to be mat free. Most often this coat is non-shedding, however, it is typical to find the occasional “dust bunny” around the house. This coat is frequently acceptable for people with allergies. The Fleece coat is what we breed for and produce at Mount Harmony Labradoodles.

  • This is very dense and curly like a poodle. A wool coat typically has more cotton-like feel. It can be kept long but requires more grooming in this style. If it is kept short this coat is easy to maintain and usually non-shedding and allergy friendly.

  • This coat is usually seen in early generation dogs. Tends to be straighter or slightly wavy and texture can be coarse to the feel. This coat may have that doggy odor and varying degrees of shedding. Typically this is lower maintenance coat.

Sizes & Standards

  • Australian Multigenerational Labradoodles have an average life expectancy of 12-15 years. They come in a variety of sizes ranging from 15 to 65 pounds and 14 to 24 inches, spanning from the wither to the ground. They are classified into three major sizes including miniature, medium and standard. The prerequisites for each are shown below.

  • A MINI sized Labradoodle ranges from 14 -16 inches tall. They are typically 15-25 lbs.

  • A MEDIUM sized Labradoodle ranges from 17-20 inches tall. They are typically 25-45 lbs.

  • A STANDARD sized Labradoodle ranges from 21-25 inches tall. They range in weight from 50-65 lbs.

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